5 Minutes with Chef Andrea Campani


Chef Andrea Campani is the Executive Chef at Il Borro Tuscan Bistro in Florence and Dubai as well as Osteria del Borro in the estate of Il Borro in Tuscany. The food he creates is not only real Tuscan home cooking but plated magnificently as well. He's well on his way to receive a Michelin star. We wish him luck!

The Pemberley: What do you love about being a chef?

Chef Campani: Okay, what I like about being a chef, probably the most important thing for me is the opportunity to share our idea about the food. You know, my cuisine in Italy comes from 90% of my memory. So, what I did when I was young in my family, and share with my colleagues first, and then share all this memory with our guests. For me it’s really something that makes me love this job.

TP: Which celebrity would you love to serve and why?

CC: Nicolas Cage or Alberto Begnini.

TP: What do you love the most about Tuscany?

CC: The simplicity, this simple approach and we like to live a simple, easy, and happy life.

TP: Okay, what, what is the most underrated food in Tuscan cuisine?

CC: I can make a very long list, a very long list. Chickpeas, it's an ingredient that you can shock the people. We made many, many recipes with chickpeas, from secret bread to chickpea sorbet for example.


TP: What do you like to do in your free time?

CC: Free time?

TP: When you have free time.

CC: When I have free time, a few days a year, I like to spend time with my family, but I like to walk a lot in the countryside, it relaxes my mind.

TP: What do you love about visiting Dubai?

CC: Everything. Everything. I love, every time I come in Dubai I have to go to watch Burj Khalifa. It’s an amazing building for me. Last night, we went there, I just stopped at the bottom and try to look, tried to look at the top. I love Dubai for the way that people live here. People really enjoy everything here.

TP: What’s the most important ingredient that you use?

CC: Extra virgin olive oil. Absolutely. We have many great ingredients all years long, but I think the secret for Tuscan cuisine, for my cuisine is the extra virgin olive oil. We have a lot of production there, many different olives, I think this can make the difference in every dish.


TP: What city in the world is best for food?

CC: London is making great food, many great chefs are doing well there, but I think every chef from his country are making something for his country. They have the best chefs from all over the world.

TP: Okay, your last meal on earth, what is it?

CC: You know, I am Italian. Now, I dream one very nice spaghetti with a nice fresh tomato sauce, basil on top.

TP: Thank you for your time. It's always so nice to see you.

CC: My pleasure! Come to Italy and we will have Sunday dinner together.


TP: Booking a flight right now!